2015-2016 Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The Lone Star College System offers a variety of nursing programs and curricula at its college campuses. Additional information about the nursing program may be found at the nursing website: LoneStar.edu/nursing-requirements.

The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) integrated program of study is offered by LSC-Kingwood, LSC-Montgomery, LSC-North Harris, and LSC-Tomball. With an integrated nursing curriculum, classroom, laboratory, and clinical content are organized around a series of concepts that progress from simple to complex. The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) block program is offered by LSC-CyFair. In a block nursing curriculum, learning experiences are divided by content area such as care of children and families and adult health. Additionally, LSC-Kingwood offers the QUEST Online LVN/Paramedic Transition Program and Online Second Degree Program. These two programs are designed for students who need a flexible schedule and those willing to be self-directed during completion of the nursing program.  There are three aspects to the program: didactic, lab skills, and clinical coursework.  The didactic or classroom portion of the coursework is online with the student able to complete weekly modules and exams online.  The lab skills courses include an online component plus weekly scheduled practice times on campus.  The clinical courses are scheduled weekly with a faculty member at a clinical facility. The Online Second Degree program is for basic track students with a prior college degree.  This program is traditionally scheduled over two years, but the Quest program can be completed in a shorter time period.  Students will complete this program in four (4) consecutive semesters. There are four sets of courses in the basic track program with completion expected in four consecutive semesters. All ADN programs in the LSC are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850; Atlanta, GA 30326. Website:  www.acenursing.org or telephone is 404.975.5000.

The Vocational Nursing certificate program is offered at LSC-CyFair, LSC-Kingwood, LSC-Montgomery and LSC-Tomball. Graduates are prepared to provide nursing care for clients with predictable outcomes in a variety of health care settings. These programs are designed for individuals interested in becoming a licensed vocational nurse.

The Transition to Professional Nursing (RN) program is offered at LSC-Kingwood, LSC-Montgomery, LSC-North Harris, and LSC-Tomball. Graduates of a vocational nursing or paramedic program who become licensed as a LVN or paramedic and complete the required prerequisite courses may be eligible to apply for the transition program. The Online LVN/Paramedic Transition Program is for LVNs and paramedics and is traditionally completed within one year.  This will allow completion of three levels or sets of courses in three consecutive semesters. 

General Guidelines

Admission requirements, selection criteria and the application process for the nursing programs are presented in regularly scheduled information sessions on each LSC campus or online for LSC-Tomball. Upon conditional acceptance into any LSC nursing program, students must submit an official record of current immunizations or titers (including a complete Hepatitis B Series as required by the Texas Department of State Health Services), report of a satisfactory physical examination documented on a college-approved form, Social Security number verification and a clear criminal background check completed through the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Names of entering students and student identification will be submitted to the Texas BON for the purpose of scheduling and processing extensive FBI background screenings. In cases where the applicant has a questionable background check, mental illness and/or chemical dependency, the Texas BON will consider eligibility on an individual basis by requiring the applicant to complete a declaratory order. The declaratory order process may take six (6) months to two (2) years to complete. Prospective applicants who question their eligibility are encouraged to discuss their situation with the Texas BON, at www.bon.texas.gov or 512.305.7400, prior to application to any LSC nursing program. If a student is charged with a felony or misdemeanor while enrolled in a LSC nursing program, the student must inform the nursing director in writing and submit a declaratory order to the Texas BON. Criminal background checks are required by all clinical facilities.

Drug screens and verification of medical insurance may be required at some clinical sites during the student’s enrollment in a LSC nursing program.

All accepted students into ADN and LVN programs must provide proof of English proficiency if they completed high school outside the USA. Proof of English proficiency can be achieved through either passing a proficiency exam or providing documentation of high school or college graduation from an English speaking country. Please see nursing website for more details. All accepted students will also be asked to submit verification of Social Security number or a current student U.S. visa.

An admission appeal will be considered if there is evidence that one or more of the following conditions exist: (1) error in calculation of points for admission; (2) deviation from admission procedures as defined by the program website; or (3) disparate treatment of a student that is not addressed by EEO processes. Review the nursing website for further details.

Students applying to the LSC nursing programs must adhere to the Code of Conduct and other policies found in the system and nursing student handbooks, which can be found on the college website. Upon completion of the ADN degree requirements, nursing graduates may apply to take the licensure exam to become a registered nurse (RN). Completion of the nursing program, however, does not guarantee eligibility to take the state licensure exam. Eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) is determined solely by the Texas BON.

Costs incurred while in the nursing program include tuition and fees for the nursing courses as well as additional expenses for textbooks, uniforms, immunizations, testing fees, clinical/lab equipment and licensure fees. Nursing students are also responsible for the costs of their physical examinations, CPR certifications, background checks, Social Security number verification, drug screens (if required), health care insurance (if required), and transportation to and from clinical agencies for day and evening learning experiences.

Progression Requirements

To remain in good standing and progress within the nursing curriculum, students must:

  1. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0, and
  2. Attain a grade of “C” or better in each nursing and general education course designated in the VN certificate or ADN degree plan, and
  3. Successfully complete all concurrent nursing courses to advance to the next level.

Testing Requirements

Students applying to the nursing programs are required to complete a national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test and meet the minimum score requirement on all required components of the test. The cost of the exam is the responsibility of the student. Refer to the nursing website for more information. Students enrolled in the nursing program are required to take nationally-normed tests throughout the curriculum and to make satisfactory scores on each test. All costs for the exams and remediation are the student’s responsibility. Review the nursing website at  LoneStar.edu/nursing-dept for further details.

Students with Disabilities

LSC complies with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students with documented disabilities will be given accommodations in accordance with the LSC policy and those allowed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

Biology & Pharmacology Course Requirements

Biology courses submitted for program credit must be completed no more than five (5) years prior to application to the nursing program. Refresher anatomy and physiology and microbiology courses are available through continuing education for students whose biology is older than five years and who do not desire to repeat the courses for credit. The grades earned from the older credit biology courses will be used for grade point calculation where applicable. If a pharmacology course (RNSG 1301 ) is submitted for program credit, it must have been completed no more than two (2) years prior to application for the nursing program.

Readmission Guidelines

Applicants who have failed or withdrawn from any LSC nursing program will be considered on an individual basis. Readmission is not automatic. It is based on remediation of an identified problem area and space availability. Students who request readmission to a program might be invited to interview with the program’s Readmission Committee. At this interview, the student will be asked to describe what steps have been taken in the intervening months to improve the chance of success and an action plan for improvement of academic and/or clinical performance. In addition, students seeking readmission must submit a letter of their standing from the prior nursing program director. Readmission into the associate degree nursing program must occur within two years of non-completion. Readmission into the vocational nursing program must occur within one year. Upon readmission, students who previously failed or withdrew from a nursing course must repeat all concurrent/corequisite nursing courses. A student may be readmitted into the nursing program one time only.

The readmission policy does not apply to first semester nursing students. Students who are unsuccessful in the first semester basic track or LVN program will have to reapply to the program. Articulating (transition) students who are unsuccessful in either transition courses (RNSG 1360  or RNSG 1517 ) must reapply to the Basic track nursing program. Likewise, transfer students will not be admitted into the first semester of any nursing program.

Reapplication Guidelines

Any nursing student, who is not eligible for readmission, can re-apply to any of the nursing programs within the college system with the understanding that all nursing courses must be re-taken if accepted to a program. The student must also meet all current nursing application requirements. The applicants will also be required to submit a letter of their standing from the prior nursing program director if they were in a nursing program within the past 5 years.

Transfer Guidelines

An individual’s request to transfer into any LSC nursing program will be reviewed on an individual basis by the program director and Transfer/Re-admissions Committee. Class placement is based on previous achievement and space availability. Admission is considered only if prior program enrollment has been within one (1) year.

  1. Transfer requests for those who have completed nursing coursework (within two semesters of inquiry) at other colleges are evaluated individually and acceptances are based on program space availability. Transfer students must meet all admission requirements of the nursing program.
  2. Students who have had two (2) unsuccessful attempts in any nursing courses are not eligible for transfer into the nursing programs at LSC.
  3. Transfer applicants will be required to submit a letter of their standing from the prior nursing program director.
  4. See college websites for additional information regarding the nursing program transfer guidelines.

NURSING - Associate of Applied Science degree

There are two (2) programs of study offered in associate degree nursing: the basic track (integrated and block programs), and the transition track for articulating students. The associate degree nursing programs of the Lone Star College are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Accreditation information is available through ACEN, 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326, phone 404.975.5000, www.acenursing.org, and approval information is available from the Texas Board of Nursing, 333 Guadalupe #3-460, Austin, TX 78701, bon.texas.gov or telephone 512.305.7400.

Admission Criteria - Basic Track

In addition to the admission requirements of the system and the general requirements listed above, the following are requirements for admission into the associate degree nursing program. The application process is competitive, with students being accepted into the programs based on scores determined by: grade point averages of prerequisite courses; and the scores from the national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test. Refer to the nursing website for a sample score sheet. The applicant must:

  1. Complete college-level reading, writing, and math prerequisites or Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. All associate degrees in nursing require completion of MATH 0309 or MATH 0310 or higher. To determine TSI status, see a college advisor. All applicants must have completed MATH 0309  or MATH 0310  with a minimum grade of “C” or achieve placement into college level math through an assessment test (Accuplacer or Compass or equivalent) or complete a college level math course with a grade of “C” or higher.
  2. Complete the following prerequisite courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 or higher: BIOL 2401  and ENGL 1301 .  (BIOL 2401  is required to meet the admission criteria; however, the highest grade in BIOL 2401  or BIOL 2402   will be used for calculation of GPA for application purposes).
  3. Biology courses submitted for program credit must be completed no more than five (5) years prior to application to the nursing program.
  4. Pharmacology courses submitted for program credit must be completed no more than five (5) years prior to application to the nursing program.
  5. Obtain a grade of a “C” or higher in all courses required in the associate degree nursing (ADN) degree plan. GPA in all courses in the ADN degree plan must be 2.5 or greater at time of application.
  6. Complete a national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test and meet the minimum score requirement. The cost of this test is the responsibility of the applicant. All applicants must take the nursing pre-entrance test. The entrance test may be taken one (1) time every sixty (60) days. Only the most recent test score will be used for the admission process. If repeated in less than sixty (60) days, only the first score will be used.
  7. Submit official transcripts from colleges attended other than LSC.
  8. Submit a completed application to the preferred college’s nursing program. Application deadlines are posted on the colleges’ websites. Separate applications to the college nursing programs are only required if the submission deadline dates differ.
  9. Complete the Hepatitis B immunization series prior to classes beginning. Applicants must provide official documentation of all immunizations or titers received and a satisfactory physical exam on a college-approved form once selected. Go to the nursing website for the form nursing website for the form.
  10. Complete the American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers Certification.
  11. Final acceptance into the program is contingent upon a satisfactory FBI background check (completed through the BON) and Social Security number verification. Some clinical facilities also require verification of medical insurance, drug testing, additional immunizations, and other medical requirements.

Admission Criteria - Online Second degree program (LSC-Kingwood only)

Prerequisite courses and admission requirements are the same as for the traditional program. In addition, applicants to the online program must have experience with online courses and have the ability to function independently. Students who have no online course experience or have been unsuccessful in a traditional nursing program will not be eligible for the online program. International students have limitations on taking online courses and may be ineligible depending on immigration status.

Application ranking points will be used in selection of students.

Applications will be available online at LoneStar.edu/nursing-requirements.

Admission Criteria - Transition to Professional Nursing for Articulating Students

In addition to the admission requirements for the system and the general requirements listed above, the following are admission requirements for the transition track for articulating students. The application process is competitive, with students being accepted into the programs based on scores determined by: grade point averages; total number of prerequisite and general education courses taken; and the scores from the national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test. Refer to nursing website nursing website for a sample score sheet.

  1. Complete college-level reading, writing, and math prerequisites or Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. All associate degrees in nursing require completion of MATH 0310 or higher. All applicants must have completed MATH 0309  or MATH 0310  with a minimum grade of “C” or achieve placement into college level math through an assessment test (TSIA, TAKS, STAAR, ACT, SAT, COMPASS, or ACCUPLACER) or complete a college level math course with a grade of “C” or higher.

  2. Complete the following courses with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher: BIOL 2401 , ENGL 1301 , and RNSG 1301 .

  3. Biology courses submitted for program credit must be completed no more than five (5) years prior to application to the nursing program.

  4. Pharmacology courses submitted for program credit must be completed no more than two (2) years prior to application to the nursing program.
  5. Obtain a grade of “C” or higher in all courses required in the associate degree nursing degree plan. GPA in all courses in the ADN degree plan must be 2.5 or greater at the time of application.
  6. Possess current unencumbered Texas license as a Licensed Vocational Nurse, current National Registry EMT Paramedic Certification, current Texas Department of Health EMT Paramedic Certification, OR current Texas Department of Health Paramedic License.
  7. Complete a national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test and meet the minimum score requirement. The cost of this test is the responsibility of the applicant. All applicants must take the nursing pre-entrance test. The entrance test may be taken one (1) time every sixty (60) days. Only the most recent test score will be used for the admission process. If repeated in less than sixty (60) days, only the first score will be used.
  8. Submit official transcripts from colleges attended other than LSC.
  9. Submit a completed application to the preferred college’s nursing program. Application deadlines are posted on the colleges’ websites. Separate applications to the college nursing programs are only required if the submission deadline dates differ.
  10. Complete the Hepatitis B immunization series. Applicants must provide written documentation of all immunizations or titers received and a satisfactory physical exam on a college-approved form found on the nursing website nursing website.
  11. Complete the American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Certification.
  12. Final acceptance into the program is contingent upon a satisfactory FBI background check (completed through the Texas BON) and Social Security number verification. Some clinical facilities may also require verification of medical insurance, drug testing, additional immunizations, and other medical requirements.

Admission Criteria - Online Transition to Professional Nursing for Articulating Students (LSC-Kingwood only)

Prerequisite courses and admission requirements are the same as for the traditional program. In addition, applicants to the online program must have experience with online courses and have the ability to function independently. Transition students must be currently employed in a healthcare facility.  Students who have no online course experience or have been unsuccessful in a traditional nursing program will not be eligible for the online program.  International students have limitations on taking online courses and may be ineligible depending on immigration status.

Application ranking points will be used in selection of students.  In addition, top candidates will be invited for an interview.   Applications will be available online at  LoneStar.edu/nursing-requirements.

Vocational Nursing Certificate

The vocational nursing program is a three semester, one year, full-time 48 credit hour certificate program. The program is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing, 333 Guadalupe #3-460, Austin, TX 78701, bon.texas.gov or telephone 512.305.7400. Upon completion of the Vocational Nursing Certificate, nursing graduates may apply to take the licensure exam to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). Eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) is determined solely by the Texas Board of Nursing.

Admission Criteria - Vocational Nursing

In addition to the system admission requirements, the following are required for the vocational nursing program. The application process is competitive, with students being accepted into the program based on scores determined by: grade point averages; and the scores from the national, standardized nursing pre-entrance test. Refer to the website for a sample score sheet.

  1. Complete college-level reading, writing, and math prerequisites or Texas Student Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. All VN programs require completion of MATH 0309  or MATH 0310  or higher.  All applicants must have completed the required math course with a minimum grade of “C” or achieve placement into college level math through an assessment test (TSIA, TAKS, STAAR, ACT, SAT, COMPASS, or ACCUPLACER) or complete a college level math course with a grade of “C” or higher.
  2. Complete BIOL 2404  with a grade of “C” or higher (Completion of both BIOL 2401  & BIOL 2402  is accepted in place of BIOL 2404 , and is recommended for those students planning to transition into the ADN program). Biology courses submitted for program credit must be completed no more than five (5) years prior to application to the nursing program.
  3. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in college level courses.
  4. Complete a standardized nursing pre-entrance test. The cost of this test is the responsibility of the applicant. All applicants must take the nursing pre-entrance test. The entrance test may be taken one (1) time every sixty (60) days. Only the most recent test score will be used for the admission process. If repeated in less than sixty (60) days, only the first score will be used.
  5. Submit official transcripts from colleges attended other than LSC.
  6. Submit a completed application to the preferred college’s nursing program. Application deadlines are posted on the nursing website. Separate applications to the college nursing programs are only required if the submission deadline differs.
  7. Complete Hepatitis B immunization series prior to classes beginning. Applicants must provide written documentation of all immunizations received and a satisfactory physical exam on a college-approved form once selected. Go to the nursing website for the form.
  8. Complete the American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Certification.
  9. Final acceptance into the program is contingent upon a satisfactory FBI background check (completed through the Texas BON) and Social Security number verification. Clinical facilities may also require verification of medical insurance, drug testing, additional immunizations, and other medical requirements.
