2018-2019 Catalog 
    Sep 14, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ESOL 0383 - ESOL Oral Communication III

3 Credits (3 hrs. lec., 1 hr. lab.) This course continues to provide dynamic communicative practice for English-language students. Students increase their degree of fluency, accuracy, and comprehension in listening and speaking skills necessary for personal, academic, and professional communication. They develop skills at using functional language in a variety of relevant contexts. This course carries institutional credit but will not transfer and may not be used to meet degree requirements. (3201085212) Prerequisite: ESOL 0382  or placement by testing
Course Outcomes
1 - Respond to short audio listening segments by summarizing main ideas and details, answering questions, and discussing the topic.
2 - Participate in face-to-face conversations of routine questions, answers, and statements in familiar or unfamiliar contexts containing some unfamiliar vocabulary.
3 - Express abstract ideas, give advice and opinions, agree and disagree, express ability and possibility, and make comparisons and predictions.
4 - Speak with few hesitations and pauses, using level-appropriate grammar, pronunciation, and intonation.
5 - Give an oral presentation on an assigned topic.