2017-2018 Spring Publication 
    Jan 21, 2025  
2017-2018 Spring Publication [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Development Programs and Services


A wide range of student development programs are provided by Lone Star College. These services are designed to complement the instructional programs and to provide individual attention to the needs of students.

 Advising and Counseling Services

Advising Services 

Lone Star College is dedicated to providing academic and career advising services that ensure students are provided the appropriate courses to get on the right path to successful completion.  Advisors and counselors are here to help students with an educational plan that leads to employment or transfer.  The Advising process is an integral part of a student’s academic success.  Academic advising fosters a culture of proactive behavior, engages students beyond their own world views-while acknowledging their individual characteristics, values, and motivations, as they enter, move through, and exit Lone Star College.

Academic advisors are available to assist students with a variety of academic services including admissions, testing, degree, course, and career advising, registration, referral to campus and community resources, add/drop/withdrawal process, transfer planning and graduation processes. Advisors are available for day and evening appointments. For more information on advising resources see LoneStar.edu/advising

Counseling Services

Lone Star College counselors are master’s level counseling professionals who are trained to assist students in meeting their academic, career and personal goals.  Change, stress and personal growth are all elements of the college experience.  Lone Star College is dedicated to helping students succeed through a variety of services.  Counselors are available for day and evening appointments. (Please note: The information in these resources is not intended to replace professional counseling.)  For more information on Counseling Services see LoneStar.edu/counseling-services

Mental Health Resources and Support

Lone Star College and our surrounding communities offer services to support the mental health well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.  We are committed to promoting student success by providing a variety of student-centered support services to assist students in pursuing their goals both academically and socially.  For more information on mental health resources see LoneStar.edu/mental-health.htm.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

A drug-free and alcohol abuse awareness and prevention program has been developed by the college to inform its faculty, staff, and students about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) is available to all faculty, staff, and students at Lone Star College.  A number of events are held annually at each campus to discuss the dangers and impact of drug and alcohol abuse. In addition to these events, counselors are available on the campuses to provide students with a variety of community resources and support. Additional information on the program and wellness resources are available at LoneStar.edu/drug-abuse.htm and LoneStar.edu/mental-health.htm#chemical.

System-wide Student Talent Acquisition Center

The system-wide Student Talent Acquisition Center establishes links with regional and local employers to develop competitive jobs and internship opportunities for LSC students and graduates, and increases the variety of industries recruiting students. Services include:

  • Coordinate Administrative Services & Computer Technology Career Fairs and Technical & Skilled Trade Career Fairs each academic year.
  • Promote LSC as a talent pool that can meet local and regional employer needs.
  • Establish a comprehensive online database where employers of all sizes can post permanent and temporary positions within their companies and whereby LSC students can apply for such positions.
  • Identify and develop new opportunities to increase the visibility of new companies and industries.

Campus Career Services

Career Services offers a variety of resources to assist students and graduates in developing career strategies. Services include:

  • Career Counseling: Assistance with making career decisions; selecting a major; career planning; job search coaching; interview preparation; résumé preparation; personality and interest assessments; and career exploration assessments.
  • Career Resource Library: Career fields and majors; agencies and organizations; career planning information; résumé and cover letter guides; and resources for special populations.
  • Employment Resources: Résumé and interviewing seminars; résumé critiques; job search coaching; and job postings on system databases.

Visit LoneStar.edu/career-services for more information.

Student Life

There are many opportunities to get involved in the college community beyond classroom activities. A variety of student social, educational, and cultural programs are coordinated through the Student Life office at each campus. Contact the Student Life office to learn more about getting involved.

Student Organizations

Lone Star College recognizes that student organizations provide a framework for students to nurture their own special talents and interests. Through involvement in student organizations, students may enhance their personal and leadership development while getting connected with the campus and community. Information about current organizations and guidelines for starting a new organization may be obtained from the Student Life office or at LoneStar.edu/student-activities.

Student Publications

Various publications of interest to students, faculty and staff are distributed periodically. These publications include announcements of forthcoming events, activities, and programs to be held at each college. A student newspaper may be published periodically. Contributions of articles, literary pieces, essays and letters to the editor are encouraged.

Creative and literary arts publications are produced by some of the colleges to provide students opportunities to publish poetry, photography, art, essays and short stories. Contact the student services office for further information.

Intramural and Club Sports

Intramural and club sports provide athletic and recreational activities for students at most colleges in a variety of on-campus or off-campus events. Most activities allow for different skill levels. Tournaments, leagues, and special events are scheduled throughout the semester with individual and team competition for men, women and co-ed groups. Athletic activities vary between campuses and may include flag football, basketball, soccer, tennis, Frisbee, golf, softball, baseball, fun-runs, racquetball and more. Recreational activities include backgammon, chess, eight-ball, canoe trips, and open recreation in the gym, etc.  For more information, visit the Student Life office located at each college or visit the Intramural and Club Sports page at LoneStar.edu/sports

Bulletins and Posters

Official notices and bulletins are posted on bulletin boards throughout each college. Information can be found about job opportunities, class schedules, and events on the school calendar and student activities. Any written material to be posted or distributed must be approved by the college. Any notices or bulletins should be posted in designated areas in such a manner as not to detract from or deface the building. Specific guidelines are available at each college.

Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct

Lone Star College is dedicated to providing a quality comprehensive educational program designed to meet and balance the diverse and changing educational, social, economic, and cultural needs of the community, consistent with a safe and healthful environment. The college achieves that environment by enforcing the Lone Star College Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct. The Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct applies to all students enrolled in a credit or non-credit course at the College. It also applies to all online-only and hybrid students.

The general morale of the student body is dependent upon many factors; among these are the success of its graduates, the attitude of the faculty and administration, the general behavior of individual students, and the reputation of the school. The College assumes that students eligible to perform on the college level are familiar with the ordinary rules governing proper conduct and that they will observe these rules.  For more information on student responsibilities and the College’s Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct see:LoneStar.edu/student-responsibilities

Student Discipline for Non-Academic Conduct

The College strives to maintain safety, order, and integrity by enforcing conduct standards. Non-academic misconduct subjects students to discipline. The College respects each person’s dignity and rights throughout the discipline process. When possible, members of the College community should try to resolve minor allegations of non-academic misconduct informally. However, when a student violates the code for non-academic misconduct, the college may discipline the student. For more information, see: LoneStar.edu/Student-DisciplineNonAcademic-Misconduct and http://www.lonestar.edu/departments/generalcounsel/Section_VI.G._Student_Discipline_Non-Academic_Misconduct_Procedures_(Amended).pdf

Student Complaints

Lone Star College is committed to respecting all members of our community and providing a quality educational experience for all students. The objective of the complaint process is to ensure that the concerns and complaints are addressed fairly and are resolved promptly. Complaints related to this policy are usually the result of behavior that the student feels are unjust, inequitable, or creates an unnecessary hardship. Students may file complaints if they believe a problem is not governed by other Lone Star College complaint or appeal procedures. 

Lone Star College has a process to resolve complaints informally and at the lowest possible level while bringing prompt and equitable resolution of a student complaint alleging discrimination on any basis prohibited by applicable law, including but not limited to; race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. An unfounded complaint deemed to have been made in malice, dishonesty in the context of an investigation of a complaint, or retaliation against a person for making a complaint will be treated as serious offenses by Lone Star College. For more information on Lone Star Colleges Complaint Process see LoneStar.edu/complaint-process

Emergency Procedures

Lone Star College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn, study, and work. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility. In the event of a health, safety, or environmental emergency while on campus, students should immediately contact LSC police at 281.290.5911 or the administrator on duty. If you know you will need assistance to evacuate during an emergency, please register by calling 281.290.2891 or emailing LoneStarAlert@lonestar.edu. We encourage you to register to receive emergency notification via your cell phone or personal email by updating your myLoneStar information or registering at LoneStarAlert. Detailed information on LSC emergency procedures is available by visiting LoneStar.edu/oem or selecting Emergency Management at the bottom of each webpage. 

Student Insurance

Lone Star College offers eligible students an opportunity to purchase affordable, quality coverage in line with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) and administered by Academic HealthPlans (AHP). See LoneStar.edu/23662.htm​ for more information.

International Students

F-1 visa international students, with a LSC issued I-20, must maintain health insurance coverage as a condition of enrollment.  In order to fulfill this requirement, an F-1 visa international student may either: 1) purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) from the LSC-approved SHIP Administrator, or 2) obtain an approved waiver if the student has an alternative health insurance plan that meets the Lone Star College waiver criteria.  Purchase of the LSC SHIP, waiver approval, or exemption must be verified each semester by the International Student Advisor/SEVIS Designated School Official before an F-1 student will be allowed to register for classes.  Please see LoneStar.edu/international-student-medical-info.htm for instructions on satisfying the requirement. 

Contagious/Communicable Diseases

LSC conforms to all requirements of the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act and the Open Records Act. With a physician’s written approval, students with a contagious/communicable disease normally will be allowed to attend class. The identity of such students is confined to those persons within the college with a direct need to know (i.e., president, vice president, faculty member or counselor) and will not be revealed without the students consent. Questions concerning LSC’s policy and enrollment procedures of a student with a contagious/communicable disease should be referred to the student services office.

Bacterial meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress quickly. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. More information concerning this disease and its treatment can be found online at LoneStar.edu/meningitis or in the student services office at each campus. There are new legal requirements for bacterial meningitis vaccinations. Details may be reviewed at LoneStar.edu/meningitis.

College Police

The police officers of Lone Star College are commissioned peace officers with the State of Texas and are granted the same law enforcement authority as any other police or sheriff’s department. The officers are obligated to enforce all federal, state and local laws, in addition to college policies. The police department works with state and local police agencies, as needed, to ensure a safe environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors to the college. More detailed information is available at LoneStar.edu/police regarding campus safety and security. Contact the LSC police at 281.290.5911 (dial 5911 from any campus telephone).


All students, visitors, faculty and staff at Lone Star College who operate a vehicle on college property are required to register their vehicle on-line with the Parking Administration Office of the Lone Star College Police Department and obtain a parking permit assigning a designated colored permit for parking. The college reserves the right to require proof of ownership of the vehicle being registered.

Parking permits are required 24 hours a day. Current permits must be properly displayed on vehicles at all times. Violators may be subject to a citation. Additional parking and traffic regulations may be found online at LoneStar.edu/parking.

Smoke Free Campuses

All LSC buildings and facilities are smoke-free.

Student Housing

Lone Star College serves only commuting students. There are no dormitories available.

College Bookstore

A bookstore is located at each college. A list of required textbooks, study aids and supplies for all subjects is available. Bookstore hours are announced each semester. Information concerning book rentals, new and used book purchases, and refunds are available from the bookstore or online at LoneStar.edu/bookstore.