2017-2018 Spring Publication 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2017-2018 Spring Publication [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Transfer Degree Programs

These programs are designed primarily for students who desire to continue their education at a four-year college/university. Students are responsible for determining the applicability of a particular course to their educational objectives. Regardless of transferability policies and agreements, students intending to transfer to a college or university should check on course and/or program transferability with that institution to ensure they are making the best educational choices.  Students are encouraged to talk to an advisor/counselor about any questions.

Academic Transfer Degrees

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees

Students who successfully complete the degree requirements will be eligible to receive the Associate of Arts degree or the Associate of Science degree from Lone Star College. The general Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees will not list a specific major but will be called associate of arts or associate of science.


Field of Study

Field of Study Curricula - A Field of Study Curriculum (FOSC) is a set of courses mandated by the state legislature in 1997 that fulfill lower-division (freshman and sophomore) requirements for a specific major/degree plan in addition to the core curriculum. FOSCs are guaranteed to transfer to any public college or university in Texas. Once the set of courses that makes up the FOSC are successfully completed, those courses are also guaranteed to apply to the appropriate bachelor’s-level degree plans corresponding to the field of study. Receiving colleges and universities are not allowed to require incoming transfer students to repeat courses with the same content as FOSC courses to satisfy requirements for the academic major.

Lone Star College currently offers Fields of Study in Business, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Music, and Speech Communication.



International Studies

The International Studies Area of Concentration (AOC) is an introduction for freshman/sophomore college students to global studies with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of peoples and nations.  Upon successful completion, graduates will receive an AA degree with an AOC in international studies.

By taking a diverse set of courses with a world view, students will broaden their perspectives and gain an appreciation and awareness of the global community.  Students desiring to work toward a major in international studies must complete the requirements for the Associate of Arts degree and the AOC hours for international studies. Included in the AA coursework, should be a minimum of 15 credit hours in courses which have the International Studies (IS) designation.  The 15 credit hours must include World Geography (GEOG 1303) and a minimum of 1 Foreign Language course.  Students must complete at least 50% of the courses toward the degree within Lone Star College to receive the AOC designation.


Texas Tuning Agreements

The following Associate of Science Degrees adhere to the Texas Tuning Agreements that are designed to facilitate transfer for students attending community colleges who intend to complete specific bachelor’s degrees at identified Texas public colleges and universities. These agreements create shared understanding of subject-specific knowledge and transferable skills that students must demonstrate upon completion of degree programs.  The “Fine Tuning” (or course alignment) processes involve identifying a set of lower-division courses for a given discipline area and aligning the learning outcomes across institutions in the state to provide a basis for voluntary transfer compacts and articulation agreements.

Colleges may offer specialized academic associate degrees that incorporate a voluntary statewide transfer compact and a portion of the college’s 42 hour approved core curriculum. LSC students that pursue one of these specialized academic degrees will not graduate core complete. Students may take additional LSC classes to complete the 42 hour core prior to transferring, or they may wait and complete the remaining core requirements at the transfer university.


Associate of Arts in Teaching

This Associate of Arts in Teaching degree is for students interested in acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of education. Courses within the program align with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards. The degree plan satisfies the core requirements for baccalaureate programs at four-year institutions that lead to initial Texas teacher certification.

Field experiences are an integral part of becoming a professional teacher. Courses that are field-based require outside classroom time for observation and experiential learning in Texas Education Agency (TEA) accredited schools.


Honors College

The Honors College is an academic program designed to meet the needs of high-achieving students by providing challenging coursework across a broad range of disciplines. Various graduation distinctions are available for students who pursue Honors College opportunities. More details about The Honors College are available at LoneStar.edu/HonorsCollege.

Honors College Chancellor’s Fellows pursue a two-year, full-time course of study requiring a minimum of 27 honors credit hours toward completion of an Honors associate of arts or associate of science degree. The curriculum includes a six-hour course taken during the first semester, as well as additional required honors courses.

During this two-year plan of study, Fellows take courses that engage and challenge students inside and outside the classroom through small classes and close interaction with dedicated faculty. With an extensive Honors co-curriculum-from leadership training to undergraduate research opportunities to international travel, The Honors College provides an advanced academic environment preparing graduates for the most competitive university programs and careers.