2019-2020 Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Catalog Addenda

  1. Items listed on this page reflect changes made to content after initial publication date of 4/1/2019


Effective Fall 2019 Semester

5/23/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. Added information regarding tuition exemption for peace officers  to the Financial Information page.
  2. Added information regarding tuition exemption for firefighters  to the Financial Information page

06/04/2019 - Cris Becerra

  1. Updated background check company in Surgical Technolgy program.  

6/27/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. Updated the General Infomation page to include LSC-Houston North information and corresponding adjustments.

7/31/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. Updated Academic Appeals Policy to reflect current LSC Board Policy text.
  2. Reinstated C++ Programming Enhanced Skills Certificate. Will not be deactivated.

8/14/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. Updated Academic Appeals Policy process information to reflect current LSC Board Policy text.

8/29/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. Updated the Pipefitting program curriculum to reflect that which was approved LSC and the THECB - EDUC 1300 course was removed from the program and the speech elective was reinstated to the AAS.

8/30/2019 - ML Amann

  1. Update the requisites for the ITSY 2279  , Cybersecurity Capstone, from, “Co-requsites: Completion or co-requisite of all required program courses.” to “Co-requsites: ITCC 2341 , ITSY 2377 , and ITSY 2378 .”

9-9-2019 - ML Amann

  1. Remove the additional LSC Student Success Course, EDUC 1300, learning outcomes from COSC 1301 ; retain only the ACGM approved learning outcomes.

10/21/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. updated Physical Therapist Assistant program description information to reflect the approved Admission Criteria and process information.

10/28/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. updated GIS program page - corrected title of Level 1 certificate - Geographic Information Systems Technician, Level 1 Certificate

11-14-2019 - Cris Becerra

  1. updated PSYC 2317 with ACGM updates
  2. updated PSYC 2319 with ACGM updates
  3. updated BCIS 1305 with ACGM updates
  4. updated SOCW 2361 with ACGM updates
  5. updated SOCW 2362 with ACGM updates

11-19-2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. corrected the count of SCH required for the Gas Metal Arc Welding, Level 1 Certificate.
  2. added program code to the AA Associate of Arts; AS Associate of Science; Pipefitting program awards; Visual Communicatin, AAS; Live Entertainment Technology, AAS
  3. added “total credit hours” sum to the Biotechnology, AAS; Civil Engineering, AS; Electrical Engineering, AS

11-22-2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. corrected the Nursing program policies and admissions information to match the printed catalog.

12/17/2019 - Amy Ramirez

  1. Added “Return of Unearned Military Tuition Assistance (TA) Policy”

Effective Spring 2020 Semester

11-26-2019 - ML Amann

  1. Added new course - WLDG 1437


  1. Added new course - OTHA 2160
  2. Added new course - OTHA 2360
  3. Effective Spring 2020, Revised Occupational Therapy Assistant Program to incorporate new courses as alternative to single course OTHA 2460.

Summer 2020

  1. 5/20/2020 - Amy Ramirez
    • added statement to the ESOL placement chart to notify that, due to COVID19, alternate placement is available.



  • Reinstated the OR requirement between BIOL 1406 and BIOL 1408. Both courses cannot be used to satisfy Core or other degree requirements. This was inadvertently removed when restructuring the page layout.
  • Reinstated the OR requirement between BIOL 1407 and BIOL 1409. Both courses cannot be used to satisfy Core or other degree requirements. This was inadvertently removed when restructuring the page layout.