2019-2020 Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MUSI 2181 - Class Piano Level III

Credit Hours: 1
Contact Hours - Lab: 3
Intermediate class instruction of keyboard technique. CIP Code: (5009075126)
Prerequisite: None
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Play additional major and minor scales and arpeggios. Perform the following major and harmonic minor scales and corresponding root position triad arpeggios, 2 octaves, hands together: C, G, D, A, E, B, F, D and Gb major and A, E, D, C, G, B, F, Bb, Eb minor, and the chromatic scale. 2. Harmonize melodies using varied accompaniment techniques. 3. Perform selected compositions for intermediate players. 4. Transpose short pieces from a grand staff. 5. Given a melody and triadic commercial chord symbols, play melodies at sight, accompanied with block chords of the indicated triads in root position and in inversion, as indicated. 6. Given a melody and diatonic Roman numerals, play at sight the melody with accompaniment patterns such as Alberti bass, waltz bass, and arpeggiated bass.