Mar 10, 2025
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHYS 2425 - University Physics I Credit Hours: 4 Contact Hours - Lecture: 3 Lab: 3 Fundamental principles of physics, using calculus, for science, computer science, and engineering majors; the principles and applications of classical mechanics, including harmonic motion, physical systems and thermodynamics; and emphasis on problem solving. Laboratory activities include experimental design, data collection and analysis, and preparation of laboratory reports. CIP Code: (4001015403) Prerequisite: College Level Readiness in Reading AND Writing; MATH 2413 Student Learning Outcomes 1 - Determine the components of linear motion (displacement, velocity, and acceleration), and especially motion under conditions of constant acceleration. 2 - Solve problems involving forces and work. 3 - Apply Newton’s laws to physical problems. 4 - Identify the different types of energy. 5 - Solve problems using principles of conservation of energy. 6 - Define the principles of impulse, momentum, and collisions. 7 - Use principles of impulse and momentum to solve problems. 8 - Determine the location of the center of mass and center of rotation for rigid bodies in motion. 9 - Discuss rotational kinematics and dynamics and the relationship between linear and rotational motion. 10 - Solve problems involving rotational and linear motion. 11 - Define equilibrium, including the different types of equilibrium. 12 - Discuss simple harmonic motion and its application to real-world problems. 13 - Solve problems involving the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. 14 - Prepare laboratory reports that clearly communicate experimental information in a logical and scientific manner. 15 - Conduct basic laboratory experiments involving classical mechanics. 16 - Relate physical observations and measurements involving classical mechanics to theoretical principles. 17 - Evaluate the accuracy of physical measurements and the potential sources of error in the measurements. 18 - Design fundamental experiments involving principles of classical mechanics. 19 - Identify appropriate sources of information for conducting laboratory experiments involving classical mechanics. Core Category Life & Physical Sciences [30]