Mar 14, 2025
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ENGR 2301 - Engineering Mechanics: Statics Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours - Lecture: 3 Basic theory of engineering mechanics, using calculus, involving the description of forces, moments, and couples acting on stationary engineering structures; equilibrium in two and three dimensions; free-body diagrams; friction; centroids; centers of gravity; and moments of inertia. CIP Code: (1411015210) Prerequisite: PHYS 2425 Corequisite: MATH 2414 unless course has already been taken Student Learning Outcomes 1 - State the fundamental principles used in the study of mechanics.
2 - Define magnitude and directions of forces and moments and identify associated scalar and vector products.
3 - Draw free body diagrams for two- and three-dimensional force systems.
4 - Solve problems using the equations of static equilibrium.
5 - Compute the moment of force about a specified point or line.
6 - Replace a system of forces by an equivalent simplified system.
7 - Analyze the forces and couples acting on a variety of objects.
8 - Determine unknown forces and couples acting on objects in equilibrium.
9 - Analyze simple trusses using the method of joints or the method of sections.
10 - Determine the location of the centroid and the center of mass for a system of discrete particles and for objects of arbitrary shape.
11 - Analyze structures with a distributed load.
12 - Calculate moments of inertia for lines, areas, and volumes.
13 - Apply the parallel axis theorem to compute moments of inertia for composite regions.
14 - Solve problems involving equilibrium of rigid bodies subjected to a system of forces andmoments that include friction.
15 - Solve problems involving dry sliding friction, including problems with wedges and belts.