2019-2020 Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENVRH 1401 - Honors Environmental Science I

Credit Hours: 4
Contact Hours - Lecture: 3 Lab: 3
Interdisciplinary study of both natural (biology, chemistry, geology) and social (economics, politics, ethics) sciences as they apply to the environment. Focus is on the role of science in addressing global environmental concerns. Concepts include ethics, policy, matter, energy, species biodiversity, ecology, human populations, food and agriculture. Practical laboratory experience emphasizes the application of fundamental principles of biology and chemistry as well as critical thinking and analysis. Lab required. CIP Code: (0301035201)
Prerequisite: College Level Readiness in Reading AND Writing; MATH 0308  
Student Learning Outcomes
1 - Recognize, describe, and quantitatively evaluate earth systems including the land, water, sea, and atmosphere, and how these function as interconnected ecological systems. 2 - Describe the principles of ecology. 3 - Describe how environmental factors influence where species live. 4 - Identify different types of species interactions and their causes and effects. 5 - Describe the significance of biodiversity from genetic to ecosystem levels. 6 - Identify and analyze how humans affect biodiversity. 7 - Assess environmental challenges facing humans caused by their interaction with the physical and biological environment (e.g., population growth energy resources, food production, pollution, water and resource use. 8 - Acquire a scientific vocabulary and critical thinking skills related to environmental science. 9 - Assess the effectiveness and feasibility of environmental policy and its impact. 10 - Apply the scientific method to environmental investigation. 11 - Measure and observe aspects of the environment (e.g., air, water, soil through sampling and sample analysis. 12 - Develop an assessment plan for an environmental case study. 13 - Demonstrate the collection, analysis, and reporting of data.
Core Category Life & Physical Sciences [30]